Will go to Lower Planets for Preaching

Jayantakrid das: I remember Prabhupada in our small temple in Switzerland. At one time he gave a class, and he was describing how we should create a very nice singhasan in our heart and invite Krishna there and it should be as beautiful as we can. It can be in gold, it can be in jewels, diamond, and we should seat Him there and worship Him. It was very impressive. I remember also asking Nitai, who was Prabhupada’s secretary at that time, “Did Prabhupada mention where he would go next life for preaching?” Nitai told me, “Prabhupada said he would go on the lower planets to preach in the next birth.” That was the most far-out thing. He said very clearly, “Prabhupada said he would go in the lower planets to preach the message of Krishna.”

Reference: Remembrances by Yadubara Das- Folio Vedabase

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