I will give you a better temple

Brahmananda das: Part of Prabhupada’s leaving America, going back to India, is that there were the circumstances of myself and some others that were so offensive that Prabhupada wanted to leave, but another aspect is that he did not want to leave. There is a conversation, it’s in the Conversations, Prabhupada talks about how Lord Dwarakadisa wanted Prabhupada to go back to India, and Prabhupada didn’t want to go. Prabhupada didn’t want to go because his spiritual master had given him the Western world to preach in, and Prabhupada considered that his godbrothers, they were given India to preach in. So there was no need for him to be in India. And furthermore, that he had just gotten the Watseka Avenue facility and he wanted to develop that as the World Headquarters for the Hare Krishna Movement. But in this conversation, Prabhupada says that “Lord Dwarakadisa ordered me to go.” He said, “I was talking with the Deity and I was arguing with Lord Dwarakadisa that ‘I don’t want to go,’ and Lord Dwarakadisa was commanding me to go, that ‘I want you to go.’” And Prabhupada was saying, “But I have this very nice temple and I want to develop it.” And Lord Dwarakadisa said, “All right. I want you to go to India, that if you go to India I will give you a temple that is better than this Watseka.” Prabhupada couldn’t refuse that and Prabhupada said, “All right.” Then, of course, Prabhupada came to India, and Prabhupada got the Krishna-Balarama Mandir.


 Reference: Remembrances by Yadubara Das- Folio Vedabase

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