Virtue of Satisfaction

Prabhupada: It is a question of culture. Culture. She was king’s daughter, royal, and married her with a muni, and old, rotten – older than me. All the skin has become slackened. But still she was serving him just like worshipable lord. The age difference is great-grandfather and great-granddaughter. You’ll find in Bhagavatam.

Lord Siva, he could not construct even a house. He was living underneath a tree. And his wife, Durga, srishti-sthiti-pralaya-sadhana-saktir eka [Bs 5.44]. She can create a new world, so powerful, Durga. She’s living with her husband underneath a tree. Never claims, “My dear husband, if you cannot, I can make one.” There is a story about that, “People criticize us. All right, let us have some house.” So Lord Siva, Durga, both of them capable to do anything. So they constructed a very nice gold house. “Now we shall live.” So there is new house entering ceremony. So one Gargamuni was invited as brahmana. Many other brahmanas.

So they began to eat so much. Then whatever stock they have finished, then when after eating, when they wanted, “Give us dakshina,” because after eating there is… So Lord Siva, “Where shall I get everything? I have finished.” Then they became puzzled what to do. So Lord Siva said, “All right, you take this house.” Again they became underneath a tree. [laughs] “All right, as dakshina you take this house. Don’t bother.” Their house entrance ceremony was there. As a result of that ceremony they became again underneath a tree.

Reference: Room Conversation – September 9, 1976, Vrindavana

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