This is Kali yuga.

This is Kali yuga.
Today’s Srimad Bhagavatam verse described the acceptance of complete renunciation by Lord Rishabhadeva. “After accepting the feature of avadhuta, a great saintly person without material cares, Lord Rishabhadeva passed through human society like a blind, deaf and dumb man, an idle stone, a ghost or a madman. Although people called Him such names, He remained silent and did not speak to anyone.” Even with this focus, however, for most of his class Srila Prabhupada continued his concentration on governance in human society. Before retirement, Prabhupada pointed out, Rishabhadeva ensured the prosperity of the citizens by appointing his highly qualified son, Bharata Maharaja, in His place. “That we have explained yesterday, that the king should be param bhagavata, not a debauch. That was the system in Vedic age, the ideal king, ideal person. If one person is educated sufficiently, being the executive head of the state he can take care of the whole population, because his order is supreme. That was the duty of the king, to see that things are going on nicely in order. The order is that everyone should be educated to the final goal of understanding Krishna. That is education.” Decrying modern Western educational systems that teach people that “God is dead” and condemning the trends here in India of imposters advertising themselves as God, Prabhupada told us that there are only two classes of men-the devas, who accept Krishna the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and the asuras, who don’t. Even those who worship demigods, he said, are all asuras, and he cited the examples of Ravana and Hiranyakasipu, who were ardent worshipers of Lord Siva and Lord Brahma respectively. No matter how advanced and educated people may be, if they do not accept God, Lord Vishnu, as the goal in life, they can never be successful. Those who do are called mahatmas, and only such elevated souls are fit to lead human society. 
Humourously pointing out that mahatma “does not mean that to dress like me or having a big beard,” Prabhupada said that Lord Rishabhadeva was pointing the way even for times when there is no monarchy. “Now it is the time for democracy. So Lord Rishabhadeva is teaching us that how you shall select the president or the king, Bharata Maharaja, the ideal king, parama bhagavatam.” The problem nowadays, he said, is that everyone wants a classless society, but that simply means the lowest class, sudra, and the only criteria for respectability is how much wealth a person has. “How a sudra can be equal to the brahmana, kshatriya? But if you earn money, then you are more than brahmana, you are more than a sannyasi. This is Kali yuga. So therefore people are after money only. So we are being educated in that way, foolish education. And we shall select.” Citing Srimad Bhagavatam 2.3.19, he delivered a pithy analysis of modern government and in the process reinforced his point from yesterday that it is not simply a question of having a good leader; the quality of the citizens is also at issue. “This election, we are selecting another person. He is also like me. I am a pasu [animal]. How can I select a person who is not pasu? Therefore if you want good government, then?this is democratic age?you must be good. You must know who is good. Then you can elect: ‘Here is good man.’ Otherwise, sva vid varahoshtra kharaih samstutah purushah pasuh [SB 2.3.19]. Srila Jiva Gosvami has said that these so called leaders, they are big pasu. I am pasu, and he’s a big pasu. What can I select? I cannot find out Bharata Maharaja, parama bhagavatam, Hmm? Bhagavaj jana parayanam. Nobody likes bhagavaj jana. ‘These people are always speaking of God. It is brainwash.’ This is the modern . . . ‘It is brainwash.’ 
In Europe and America they are now combining to oppose this Hare Krishna movement, that we are brainwashing him, controlling the mind by hypnotism. That is the charge against us. We are placed in the court also in many cases. So this is ‘What is this nonsense, bhagavaj jana parayanam, Bhagavan, Krishna? This is simply a sophistry,’ they say. Even a big scholar said. When Krishna says, sarva dharman parityajya mam ekamsaranam vraja [Bg. 18.66], a big scholar, he has remarked, ‘This is sophistry.’ ” Therefore, Prabhupada said, peace is not possible without a leader like Bharata Maharaja. “So we have to find out such leader. Then everything will be adjusted.” Affirming that the aim of life is to worship Vishnu, Prabhupada repeated again that human society begins with varnasrama dharma. Otherwise it is animal society. “Krishna says, catur varnyam maya srishtam [Bg. 4.13]. My Guru Maharaja also wanted to establish daiva varnasrama. Yes. Not this asuric varnasrama. Asuric varnasrama . . . Just like Ravana. He was also son of a brahmana, but he was rejected, that ‘You are not brahmana; you are rakshasa because you do not care for Bhagavan Ramacandra.’ So this is the verdict of the sastra. So therefore, varnasrama should be established on the principles of devata, to make people devata. Devata means vishnu bhaktah bhaved daiva asuras tad viparyayah [Padma Purana]. Unless one is a Vaishnava, he cannot be a devata. He cannot be a civilized man.” Prabhupada ended his discourse by giving a brief definition of the stage of life accepted by Lord Rishabhadeva. “Bharata Maharaja, elected or selected, nominated by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Rishabhadeva . . . And He retired, avadhuta vesha. Avadhuta vesha means He is no more within the social community. Just like the word nirgrantha . . . Kurvanty ahaitukim bhaktim ittham bhuta guno harih [SB. 1.7.10]. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu has explained this word nirgrantha means one who has no granthi, no tight knot with this material world. And the another meaning, one who has no connection with grantha, nir-grantha. So there are two classes of men. One is foolish rascal, no education. He is called also nirgrantha, and another person who has no connection with this material world, he is also nirgrantha. So here the sign of Rishabhadeva; He became just like a madman, a deaf and dumb, a rascal, a fool, a ghost. But He is not madman. He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Apparently it may look like that, but He is Supreme Personality of Godhead. He has no connection . . . you call Him deaf and dumb, fool, rascal, whatever you call, you can call. Trinad api sunicena. He has no connection with this body. When one, no more he has got any connection with this material body, he is avadhuta vesha.”
Reference: Transcendental Diary Volume 5 by Hari Sauri Dasa

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