Yogesvara : Sometimes the notion of maya can be very difficult to understand. How is it that we live in a world that is not illusion? Maya does not mean illusion. It is illusory. On a morning walk in Paris, Hanuman, who was a Canadian devotee, was walking and saying to Prabhupada, “I don’t understand, this feels so real to me. Why do we say we’re living in a world of maya when it feels so real? I know that I’m here. This is my body. I see things around me. This isn’t a dream. I’m seeing it.” He was very passionate. Prabhupada said, “When you sleep at night, do you dream?” Hanuman said, “Yes.” Prabhupada said, “The only reason why you think the daytime dream is more real than the nighttime dream is that you spend more time awake.”
When you sleep at night, do you dream?

Reference: Memories Anecdotes of a Modern Day Saint – Volume 4 by Siddhanta Dasa