Rasananda das: Between the heads and the shoulders of the people just in the terminal, I caught intermittent glimpses of Prabhupada. I had never seen him, his actual form, and my senses were not very disturbed. I had not been a drug taker. I maybe experimented with each of the available drugs at the time once; but otherwise I was a trained observer, physiology labs and so on. I was certain he was not walking like an ordinary person. If you look at their head, it’ll be sort of bobbing. He was moving smoothly like a swan or other water bird floating on the water. That was my first glimpse of him. At that time actually I saw he was effulgent, and that was the first time I’d ever seen any effulgence like that. It was real, and I hadn’t had any vision like that in dreams or any religious experiences like that. It was as real as I see this door. And as I say, I was a trained observer. Then I paid obeisances and, rising up from the obeisances, I looked up and he was looking at me with that penetrating look that gave the one being looked at the understanding that this great personality sees our soul. In retrospect, we were so receptive. You see such nice faces, as Prabhupada says. But actually we had no position, no power, no use until Prabhupada joined us to him. Shyamasundara das: The next day all the newspapers in London, all the front pages were filled with descriptions of the 1970 Rathayatra. They had never seen anything like this in London before. Normally when this many people would gather in public for a parade, it would be some protest march. This was a celebration. We sent clippings from the newspapers that covered this Rathayatra to Prabhupada, and he showed them to everyone. He said, “You see, my devotees have conquered London.”
Reference: Remembrances by Yadubara Das- Folio Vedabase
You see, my devotees have conquered London