Secret is to Pray while Chanting

Vaikunthanath das: Prabhupada would arrive, I think, by taxi. But in the meantime, the devotees were chanting in the temple there at 95 Glenville Avenue deep in kirtan; and there would be all this frankincense, the whole room was full of smoke. When Prabhupada would come in, we were literally in ecstasy. You cannot conceive of the impact that Prabhupada had on us. Prabhupada’s every move and every gesture, he was just floating in ecstasy, and we could perceive that bliss that Prabhupada was in. I remember he got up on the vyasasana and he said, “The secret is to be praying while we’re chanting the name of Krishna, ‘Please, Krishna, just place me in the society of Your service.’”

Reference: Remembrances by Yadubara Das- Folio Vedabase

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