Recognize a person by his deeds not by birth.

Recognize a person by his deeds not by birth.Recognize a person by his deeds not by birth.

“I remember when he came back from America in 1972, he brought some disciples to the Damodara Mandira and gave pravacana. I came along with several of my friends, who were sons of the Goswamis, and we put some questions to him. We asked, “Are brahmanas not the only ones who can do the celebrated rites properly?‘ He immediately countered that a Krishna-bhakta from any caste who is sincere is better than a brahmana who doesn’t fulfill his duties and vows. Then we asked again, “Tell us, the young of a snake will always be a snake, a cow’s offspring will be a calf. So we are descendents of Nityananda Prabhu and Advaita Prabhu. We have that spirit in us whether we perform our duties or not.” He said No, to this immediately as well. He said, “We recognize a person only by his deeds, not by his birth. This is the creed of Caitanya Mahaprabhu.‘ His speaking convinced all of us and it made a lasting impression and difference in our understandings.

Reference: Srila Prabhupada – Our Friend of all by Shriman Prabhupadachrya Phanilal Goswami

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