These professors sit around, discuss topics of Caitanya Mahaprabhu and drink wine.

Canada seems a cold place. The water at the temple is so cold that after only a minute under the shower it gives one a headache. The morning walk was through the Rouge Park vales again. The heavily wooded valley with its steep walls prevent the sun’s rays from reaching there until late morning, so it is quite chilly. The cold weather is not good for Prabhupada because he becomes easily congested. He is therefore keeping well wrapped-up with cadar, pullover, and woollen hat. Satsvarupa Maharaja gave Srila Prabhupada some background information on Professor O’Connell, who was to visit with him in the afternoon. He said the professor had written a review of Dr. Stillson Judah’s book, Hare Krishna and the Counterculture. The review was favorable, but O’Connell had one objection. “He said it was a very sympathetic book, Dr. Judah’s, he said. And a little bit too sympathetic on one point. He made this statement. He thinks that our Movement, the way we deny the flesh, he said?he called, ‘denying the flesh’?it tends to make us a little cold in our relations to each other, and people in the Hare Krishna movement are denying the natural affection that is somehow connected with the flesh.” Prabhupada replied that according to Lord Caitanya, a Vaishnava should not associate with those who are attached to women. Since we are following that policy we cannot be sympathetic to such a society. “Those who are infected, they should be separated. You cannot make any compromise.” Satsvarupa explained that the professor was referring to our own Society. “His point was that even amongst ourselves, even amongst the devotees, there is not enough expression of love…. I think what it comes down to is that he objects that we are against illicit sex.” Prabhupada and the devotees laughed. “Oh. That means he is accustomed.” Jagadisa added, “These professors sit around, discuss topics of Caitanya Mahaprabhu and drink wine.” Satsvarupa agreed. “And their discussion is very blasphemous. This Dr. Dimmock, he’s made much investigation on the six Gosvamis, and he’s read all manuscripts, and he’s always going to India and studying Rupa Gosvami and Lord Caitanya, but everything is extremely blasphemous that he writes. So in both ways, in their habits and whatever they write. The Library Party men, they become friendly to these professors, but only to use them more or less, that they’ll accept our books, despite themselves.” Srila Prabhupada expressed his approval. “Yes, that we must do. Our policy is when we go to a bad character, we don’t go to associate with him, but to give him our association. Therefore we must be strong and very pure, so that your association, they will be benefited. For the preachers, isvare tad-adhinesu balisesu dvisatsu, the four behavior. ?svara, tad-adhinesu, devotees, balisesu, innocent, and dvisatsu, those who are envious. So those who are preachers, they, prema, loving God, making friendship with devotee, and those who are innocent, to deliver. And those who are envious, reject.” He asked Satsvarupa for further details of O’Connell’s objection. Satsvarupa Maharaja obliged. “He said we deny expression of love through the body. Just like the grihasthas are not allowed, except to have children, to have sex, and brahmacaris, not at all. These are natural ways to express love, he says, and by denying them, the people in this Movement become somewhat cold and don’t have the experience of love.” “Love? This is love or lust?” Srila Prabhupada asked, stopping for a moment. “He says there’s a definite connection between the flesh and love,” Satsvarupa said. “And you can’t deny it, he said. I argued with him, but that was his viewpoint, that love is expressed through the flesh.” “Then how he has become a doctor in Vaishnava philosophy?” Srila Prabhupada asked seriously. “In the Caitanya-caritamrita there is explanation, what is the difference between lust and love.” “I told him if you observe the devotees, you’ll see they have very affectionate loving dealings with one another, but it’s not based on the flesh. We don’t have to…” “That is lust,” Prabhupada said. “Sahajiya. Lust is going on as love… Mahaprabhu said, asat eka stri-sangi. Stri-sangi, those who are attached to women, he’s asat.” “Yes,” Satsvarupa agreed, adding, “Basically, he said it was a good book and that our Movement is an important movement. But he made that one objection.” After taking breakfast Prabhupada slept until noon. His face is now badly swollen and he has a severe toothache, but he refuses to visit a dentist. Better let it fall out by itself, he said, because a dentist will want to extract all of them. He simply sucks an occasional clove to help deaden the pain. It is yet another amazing display of his bodily detachment. Any ordinary man would be in agony, completely disturbed mentally, and complaining all the time. But Prabhupada sits quietly and tolerates it without so much as a murmur.
Reference: Transcendental Diary Volume 2 by Hari Sauri Dasa

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