Prabhupada’s mercy to a rough, dishevelled-looking older man


Adrian : We were all dancing and chanting with Srila Prabhupada, his head tilted slightly back. Suddenly Srila Prabhupada started smiling and laughing, pointing up to some building in the distance. I glanced up, and very high, at least eight or ten stories up, stood a tiny figure – a window cleaner on a trestle. He was wiggling his hips like a harem dancer, approximating the devotees’ dancing below.

A little later, a rough, dishevelled-looking older man with long hair and beard came stumbling through the close cordon of devotees. Some of the devotees had tried to stop him barging through, but he ran right up to Srila Prabhupada and put out his hand. He was certainly not the sort of person you would like to touch Srila Prabhupada, but nevertheless Prabhupada reached out, shook his hand, and looked right into the man’s eyes, smiled and said, “Hare Krishna.

Reference: FB Post of Kurma Dasa



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