Prabhupada gains Strength from?

From Preaching

The last Bombay pandal program that Srila Prabhupada attended was March 23 and 24 in 1977. Srila Prabhupada’s health was extremely bad. He was so weak that he couldn’t get onto the stage on his own strength. Bhavananda and Tamal Krishna Maharaj would carry Prabhupada onto the stage and deposit him on the asana. The first day Prabhupada seemed to have no energy. He had Bhavananda read from the Second Canto of Bhagavatam, sva-vid-varahostra-kharaih samstutah purusah pasuh, and then Prabhupada spoke. His opening words were “I have come to encourage you and be encouraged by you.” Prabhupada didn’t say much, just a little, and then he had Bhavananda read more, and Prabhupada sat, exhausted. Bhavananda read, Prabhupada said a few words, Bhavananda read, Prabhupada said a little more, Bhavananda read more, and then Prabhupada said more. Soon Prabhupada was speaking and speaking, and soon he was roaring. Prabhupada got so inspired that he began preaching with triple strength, and by the end of the lecture he was full of power and energy and strong preaching. He finished his talk—and then called for questions. One person said, “When chanting, you chant the name of Rama as well as Krishna. I see a picture of Krishna, but I do not see any picture of Rama.” Prabhupada said, “The name is there.” And again the man was saying, “But there’s no picture.” And Prabhupada said, “But the name is there!” Prabhupada just strongly preached that there’s no difference between the name and the person whose name it is, and he just drove that point home.

Reference: Remembrances by Sidhanta Das- Folio Vedabase

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