Prabhupada caught us

Bhakti Vikasa Swami: I happened upon a darshan in Prabhupada’s room. I looked in and there weren’t any big shots in there so I thought, “Well, I can go in too.” There was no space left but I went inside. It was almost the end of the darshan but the atmosphere was quite different to the classes where the class is very grave and very formal. Prabhupada now was just happy to be with his disciples and they were happy to be with him. I can’t remember what was being said, perhaps some transcendental small talk. And then Anakadumdapi Prabhu, who was the very tall British pujari living in Mayapur, came with a plate of the afternoon fruits offering. It was a huge plate. He was just standing outside the door and Prabhupada looked over and asked him to come in. I could see that Anakadumdapi was thinking, “How can I get in with my big body and big plate of fruit and so many people?” Then Anakadumdapi said, “I will just give some prasadam to the devotees as they leave.” Prabhupada immediately with a big smile said, “They will never leave!” All the devotees said, “Jai, Prabhupada!” Then everyone knew it was time to leave and they got up. Later I thought about that statement, “They will never leave.” With Prabhupada’s blessings, no one can leave. Even if superficially some devotees appear to leave, actually Prabhupada caught us. He caught us with a bondage of love. So that was Prabhupada’s blessing. We can never leave. He won’t allow us to leave. Even if we try our very best, Prabhupada has caught us.

Reference: Remembrances by Sidhanta Das- Folio Vedabase

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