Perfection of life is to be with Srila Prabhupada in kirtan

Dinadayadri dasi: Look at that. I’ll never forget that kirtan, you could feel demigods showering flowers. And the people were stunned. They’d never…because the way we did kirtan, Prabhupada did kirtan different than the traditional Bengali. And when we first went to India, we were chanting like Prabhupada and it was like the people had never heard, it was so potent. Prabhupada leading and the disciples following. These people had never heard anything like it, and they were just thunderstruck. I just loved…kirtan was my savior, that was my shelter. It washed everything away, it washed away all anxieties. To me, the perfection of life is to be with Srila Prabhupada in kirtan. It’s all I want in life and I don’t care where it is or when it is, that’s just all I want.

Reference: Remembrances by Yadubara Das- Folio Vedabase

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