Offering to Srila Prabhupada

Hare Krishna Dear Srila Prabhupada,

Please accept my respectful obeisances !!!

First of all I don’t have any qualification to offer homage unto your exalted divine self, but I am doing this for my own purification. First, I beg unto you for your causeless mercy to give me strength, otherwise I have no hope for anything in spiritual life what to speak of attempting to glorify you.

  • You are so unexplainable great personality even if I madly try to use all letters in all languages in all combinations that cannot match even a drop of your ocean of auspicious qualities
  • Your smile can shy away millions of sun put together which drive away the darkness of ignorance of all conditioned souls, hoping for a day to get a glimpse
  • Somebody wants to know the definition of Acharya, then I would like to say “Srila Prabhupada”, there is nothing I can say more
  • You have given your everything as a service unto your Spiritual master beyond ones wildest imagination possible but you keep saying the only qualification you had is the desire to hear your spiritual master and serve him, please bestow upon this arrogant fool your causeless mercy so that I can one day try to develop even a drop of drop of drop of that Humility
  • Prabhupada, at your lotus feet your dear most disciple HH Jayapataka swami maharaj serving beyond your satisfaction, I don’t even have courage to ask you because of my repeated mistakes but yet since you are exalted and highly compassionate, I beg unto your dust of lotus feet to somehow make me an instrument in serving my Guru Maharaj who is serving you tirelessly by keeping his instructions as my life and soul
  • Please forgive me for all the offenses I am committing and I repeatedly beg unto you for your causeless mercy unto this undeserving fool to somehow develop immunity against committing future offenses
  • Once I heard from my Guru maharaj lectures, all ISKCON devotees are able to perform any sort of devotional service is only because of your Kripa Sidhi, how foolish and degraded I am beyond any comprehension but yet you were so merciful upon me. Please Prabhupada, I beg unto you again and again please, please, please somehow make me attracted to your literary contribution to have any hope in my bhakti, what else hope I have?
  • I am trying to follow your instruction of doubling the service every year and by your causeless mercy somehow I am finding fair amount of success whenever I try to execute for your pleasure, so please continue care for this fool even though undeserving
  • Dearest grandpa, Please always keep me under your shelter and save me from any influence of maya so that I can try serving your movement for your pleasure

Last but not least, I beg unto you,

  • Please, Chastise me whenever I am not obedient to sastric instructions or acharyas words
  • Please, Drag me back whenever I am deviating from path of pure devotion
  • Please, Save me from committing offenses especially against Vaishnavas

I am requesting from the deepest part of my heart to please bless your potential grandsons and granddaughters whom I trying to humbly lead as per your teachings so that I can one day bring them to your lotus feet for your causeless mercy and connect to your bonafide parampara. Please always make me an instrument as per your liking by providing me the strength of understanding and ability to execute for your satisfaction.

Please forgive your insignificant grandson for any incompetence in paying you homage.

Yours ever trying insignificant servant

Karunapati Kesava das




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