November 18, 1976 : Vrindavan

November 18, 1976 Vrindavan
Hari Sauri: Prabhupada has always regarded the writing of his books as his main work; the aphorism “Books are the basis” is the motivational motto on which the huge sankirtana force has been developed. And it is in the arena of book distribution that much of the disturbance has come. “On the whole there is now attempt to stop this movement,” he mused. “We have made so many court cases. Now, only loss we are feeling now – in some airports they have stopped our book selling. So formerly also, they were stopped and again revived.

Jagadisa said that we were now legally banned, at least temporarily, from selling books in three major airports – Los Angeles, Dallas, and Atlanta. “It’s a constant struggle.” Prabhupada was philosophical. “Struggle must be there. You cannot stop it.” And then he laughed. “Krishna, since His birth struggled.

At the mention of police harassment and beatings in Montreal and Chicago, Prabhupada was reflective. “They crucified Jesus, what to speak of devotees. Prahlada Maharaja was persecuted; Haridasa Thakura.” He paused momentarily and suddenly broke into a broad and somewhat mischievous grin. “I think I shall not go to Europe, America, for some time!” Everyone laughed, but even though it was tongue-in-cheek I still thought there was cause for genuine concern. “Not unless this gets cleared up.

Prabhupada acknowledged the potential danger. Because it is being discussed about me. They say, ‘Old man is behind this movement.’ Even in Australia,” I told him, “now they’re having the same thing – kidnapping and everything. It’s everywhere.” Prabhupada grinned again with satisfaction. “That means they are feeling the weight. It is spreading.

Reference: A Transcendental Diary Volume 5 – Hari Sauri Dasa

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