Sometimes Prabhupada would refer to the history that Parasuram, he drove out the ksatriyas and that they settled in this part of the world, especially Germany. He remarked that the Germans are the most intelligent people on the planet and that their Sanskrit scholars actually are better than Indian Sanskrit scholars, and he pointed out that the philology of German is identical or almost the same as Sanskrit.
Never do anything in anger, and don’t touch politics

Hansadutta das: Once we were taking a walk. So because I always had a frustrated and irritable kind of mood on account of so many obstacles being put up by German authorities, I said to Prabhupada, “You know, Prabhupada, sometimes I think I would rather be engaged like a ksatriya in killing people than preaching.” Prabhupada stopped and looked at me and he said, “Never do anything in anger, and don’t touch politics.”
Reference: Following Srila Prabhupada-A Chronological Series by Hamasdutta Dasa