Money and Prasadam Stocking


Prabhupada: So a grihastha, of course, required to accumulate some money because he’s living with family, but so far brahmacari, vanaprastha and sannyasi is concerned, they should not keep any money.

Caitanya Mahaprabhu was so strict that His personal servant, one day he was taking after eating a little, what is called, myrobalan, haritaki. So one day he was giving myrobalan and Caitanya Mahaprabhu inquired, “Where you got this myrobalan?” So he said, “I kept it from yesterday.” “Oh, you are stocking?” He immediately criticized him. “You are stocking? This is not good.” So this principle…

Of course, even if we do not stock, don’t think that we’ll starve. Krishna has provided. But we should be depending on Krishna. There is no anxiety. Actually, there is no anxiety. We have experienced this. I was alone for many years, but not a single day I was starving.

Reference: Lecture on Srimad-Bhagavatam 7.6.15 – New Vrindaban, June 29, 1976



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