Lord Gauranga’s Appearance – Source Conversation

Lord Krishna: “How is it that today my wife is crying, and my guru is disturbed, although he is usually always peaceful.” So He asked Nārada Muni, “Why are you disturbed?” Nārada replied, “I can see by the symptoms of the world that Kali-yuga is soon going to start, just as when the sun is about to set it becomes twilight. I can see that people are becoming more materialistic, more attached to the opposite sex. In this way the symptoms of Kali-yuga are beginning, and that means your presence is fading. Soon you will leave this world and Kali-yuga will begin. So I want to know what is your solution for the conditioned souls. How will they be delivered in Kaliyuga? I am very concerned about the Kali-yuga souls.”

Then Lord Kṛṣṇa was considering how Rukmiṇī-devi was saying that only Rādhārāṇī knows what she is feeling, and how Nārada was so concerned about the deliverance of the conditioned souls of Kali-yuga.Kṛṣṇa thought and said, “I will come again in Kali-yuga and I will take the mood and color of Rādhārāṇī, I will have a golden form— Gaurāṅga!”


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