“If we keep the temple clean, then our heart will be cleansed. This is the process.”

Srila Prabhupada took a short walk around the temple this morning before going in for the Deity darsana, guru-puja and class. He was particularly pointing out detailed items to Hansaduta Maharaja to impress upon him the standards that he wants. Telling him to make sure that the pathways and the temple interior were washed every morning, right after mangala-arati. Prabhupada said, “If we keep the temple clean, then our heart will be cleansed. This is the process.”

As he inspected the grounds he mentioned that the ladies should also be properly engaged. “The women should be engaged in flower business, in dress business, light and interesting to them. They should not be given any heavy work. Cooking, helping cooking, cutting the vegetables. All woman should be engaged in something. That is wanted.” Observing the inner walls of the temple, which have display panels sculpted on their surface, Prabhupada said they should be painted with Krishna-lila. He suggested that Vishnu dasa, whose air-brush murals on the walls of the New York temple greatly impressed Prabhupada, should be contacted to see if he could do the same here. “He can do every panel in three days. He knows the art, how to do it.” Prabhupada told Hansaduta.

Looking up from the open courtyard, Hansaduta asked whether he should have wire netting stretched across the top to keep out the birds. Prabhupada didn’t think it would keep out the pigeons but that it would be effective in detering the monkeys.

Reference: Transcendental Diary Volume 4 by Hari Sauri Dasa

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