My Gurumaharaj was 3 years old
When the Ratha-yātrā takes place? In July. So February, March, April, May, June, July. So when he was six months old, the Ratha-yātrā festival was held. And by chance the big cart stopped in front of that house. That is generally in the Jagannātha car stops. Just like our car also stops somewhere, and you have some difficulty to push it again. That’s nice. That also happens in Jagannātha Purī. It was stopped, and some people were… Caitanya Mahāprabhu used to push with His head. So that was wonderful.
So anyway, the cart stopped, and mother of our Guru Mahārāja, the child Guru Mahārāja, so she took the opportunity, and because she was manager’s wife, so everyone respected with the child. So she put the child on the leg of Jagannātha. And as there are so many garlands, one garland immediately fell on the child. Yes. Automatically. So in this way Bhaktivinoda Ṭhākura could understand that “This child is not ordinary child,” and he knew that “I prayed to Gaurasundara to send me somebody. So this boy, this child, is sent by Him.” So he took care of him very carefully. And in this way his name was Bimala Prasāda, Bimala Prasāda Datta.