How degrading. What is this civilization?

One thing he used to say, even after he visited Germany, whenever he would see Himavati or myself he would say, “What is that? Trinken und rauchen. What is that?” I would say, “Prabhupada, it’s drinking and smoking.” “Yes, yes, I saw everywhere trinken und rauchen.” He noticed that early in the morning they had beer vending machines and that people were drinking beer in the morning.

One day he said, “Yes, I saw in Germany the man urinating on the street.” He said, “How degrading. What is this civilization? The man is urinating on the street.” So some devotee commented, “But Prabhupada, in India they pass urine and stool in the street,” and he said, “That’s different, that’s different.”

Reference: Following Srila Prabhupada-A Chronological Series by Hamasdutta Dasa

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