By this time, 1976, the movement had progressed to such an extent that Prabhupada could say it like it was to these young people. In the beginning, Prabhupada had to cultivate young, irresponsible hippie types, but in fact, what good can down-and-out people do for others? The only good that they can do for the world or for anyone, including themselves, is to take up Krishna consciousness.
What good can you do? You cannot even take care of yourself.

Dayananda: In Iran, Prabhupada was talking to Mrs. Patel, a wealthy, aristocratic, Indian woman from Gujarat. She and her husband were wonderful Vaishnavas and were supportive of and gave money to the movement in Iran. When she was talking with Prabhupada in his room, a young British or American hippie type came in and sat for a while. The guy finally said, “Swamiji, what about doing good for other people? Can’t we just do good for other people?” Prabhupada looked at him and said, “What good can you do? You cannot even take care of yourself.”
Reference: Memories Anecdotes of a Modern Day Saint – Volume 1 by Siddhanta Dasa