Why follow footsteps of great liberated souls?

Srimad Bhagavadam 4.18.4

The Vedic principles (mahājano yena gataḥ sa panthāḥ) urge us to follow in the footsteps of great liberated souls. In this way we can receive benefit in both this life and the next, and we can also improve our material life. By following the principles laid down by great sages and saints of the past, we can very easily understand the aim of all life. The word avaraḥ, meaning “inexperienced,” is very significant in this verse. Every conditioned soul is inexperienced. Everyone is abodha-jāta — born a fool and rascal. In democratic government at the present moment all kinds of fools and rascals are making decisions. But what can they do? What is the result of their legislation? They enact something today just to whimsically repeal it tomorrow. One political party utilizes a country for one purpose, and the next moment another political party forms a different type of government and nullifies all the laws and regulations. This process of chewing the chewed (punaḥ punaś carvita-carvaṇānām) will never make human society happy. In order to make all human society happy and prosperous, we should accept the standard methods given by liberated persons.

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