Past time Philosophy First Publication dates Srila Prabhupada published his book Beyond Birth and Death in 1972. Reference: Srila Prabhupada published his book Beyond Birth and Death in 1972. courtesy:-
Prabhupada left just by saying, “Hare Krishna.” Rama Sraddha: In Vrindavana during Prabhupada’s final days with us, I had the service of being in charge of the kitchen. Ayodhyapati, who […]
Analogies – No creation, no activity. Even if there is no creation, one has to suffer, because we are eternal. If there is no creation for millions of […]
Soft as a rose and as Hard as a thunderbolt Hridayananda Goswami: On Vyasa-puja day in 1972 in New Vrindavan, we had a ceremony in a special pavilion, and the devotees had […]
Every day Lord Brahma and Narada Muni come here for the evening aratik Padmalocana das: They were making a new vyasasana, so I’d been requested to upholster that vyasasana. So most devotees went off to […]