Drugs are for Demons


Arrangements are being made to go to Australia for the Ratha-yatra on January 10th, but our plans might have toImage result for prabhupada hd change due to Prabhupada’s ill health. Moreover, some difficulty has arisen regarding Prabhupada’s visa. There was no morning walk today. Missing Prabhupada on the beach, Dr. Patel arrived at his apartment with his son. He took a cardiograph reading and gave Prabhupada some pills. His diagnosis is high blood pressure. Prabhupada rested. He didn’t take breakfast, and then ate only a morsel at lunch, complaining of dizziness from the medicine. He remarked that modern drugs are medicines for the demons. Prabhupada rarely goes to a doctor, although if by some arrangement one comes to him, he doesn’t refuse their help. Disease has to be treated, of course, but as far as he is concerned, chanting Hare Krishna is the best cure. In the evening he felt better and ate some guava, three parathas, and a sabji Harikesa cooked for him. As part of his cure Prabhupada told us that for at least one week he wants to be free of appointments and visitors. Harikesa is doubtful that we will be able to enforce this rule. 

Courtesy: https://www.srilaprabhupadalila.org/1548

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