Srutakirti: On many occasions devotees would say to Prabhupada, “This devotee is doing something wrong,” or “This devotee is not chanting his rounds.” But Prabhupada would never say, “Then he should be removed.” Instead he would always say, “Perhaps he is so busy that he does not have time to chant his rounds.” It was interesting, because when Prabhupada would lecture and write, he was always strict: “One must follow the four regulative principles. One must chant sixteen rounds. One must be fully engaged in Krishna’s service.” That was it. But as soon as he was in his quarters and some difficulty was brought to his attention, then he had nothing but compassion. He would say, “You have done so much service. See how you can take care of this. You just try.” And, “Chant your rounds and we will see what we can do.” An arrangement could be made. He would never reject someone because of falling down and breaking one of the regulative principles. There was always some way to work it out. Of course, if someone said something about the philosophy, then that was bad. Immediately he was gone. But a fall down was different. “This was to be expected,” Prabhupada would say. Once in Los Angeles he said, “If it were not for the chanting of the maha-mantra, you boys and girls could not do anything. In the West you have used so many drugs that you cannot accomplish anything. Chanting Hare Krishna has enabled you to get all these temples and devotees. It’s simply Krishna’s mercy and the chanting.“
Difficulties in Spiritual Life / Fall downs – Srila Prabhupada’s encouragement

Reference: Memories Anecdotes of a Modern Day Saint – Volume 1 by Siddhanta Dasa