Dharshan after Sastra Dhan Only

Hare Krishna,

Please accept my humble obeisances!!!, All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!!

This happened during book distribution during Vaikunta ekadesi. One devotee from Bengal region, got introduced himself near our bookstall. He attended Gita course from a temple program, not sure which temple though. He was always inspired with Prabhupada’s teachings and was overwhelmed to take our association. He was in tears. I was wondering how wonderful devotees seeing non-devotees also they become very happy just because we are carrying Prabhupada books. I asked did you took dharshan, he said No. And I asked why, he said, I met devotees first that is my first dharshan. And I now want to make devotees happy (essentially Prabhupada) by doing some book distribution seva. I said, wow, thats nice, please join us. 

He was standing to try to distribute books for almost 1.5 hours. But not successful though. There are couple of them trying to negotiate while buying books for half rate. He was noticing us. He said to us in a more touching voice, I will like to donate one Bhagavad Gita to someone who want it but cannot afford. I was happy, then I said “Go Ahead”. Find yourself one. Within few minutes, one elderly lady inquired to buy the book, but didn’t carry lakshmi. Lord answered his prayers, by sending the recipient. He was happy to donate and guess what time bomb fixed, now its all upto Prabhupada!!! Wait, wait… story didn’t end here.

His family came after seeing Dharshan, I asked, could you take dharshan of Lord Balaji, since you made your seva today. He was beaming with a smile and tears rolling down and took leave from us for taking Lord’s Dharshan. Guess what Prabhupada already blessed him with ecstatic love by distributing a transcendental book.

All Glories to Sankirtan devotees. All Glories to Prabhupada!!!


Karunapati Kesava das

Prabhupada’s magic Ooty Brother donated

Hare Krishna, Please accept my humble obeisances!!!, All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!! Its Manjula mathaji once again sharing her book distribution efforts… […]

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