December 28, 1975 : Bavala

Hari Sauri: In mid-afternoon, Karttikeya Mahadevia drove us in his old American limousine for a program in another nearby town called Bavala.
Along the way, Prabhupada incited our enthusiasm for the village preaching programs. He told us that in the 1950’s, he had made plans to travel all around India, hoping to gather up a force of brahmacari preachers. Somehow it never happened, for he had neither men nor money. And Krishna had another plan for him – preaching in the West. He said that now Krishna has sent him so many nice young men to help fulfill his long-cherished vision.

Jasomatinandana eagerly offered to organize a program in a different village every day and Karttikeya even offered his car if Prabhupada wanted it. Prabhupada encouraged Hamsaduta take up this engagement, declaring that he would personally travel with the party. It was such an exciting concept, and Prabhupada was so enthusiastic, the fact that such a program would be almost physically impossible for him wasn’t even mentioned. For Prabhupada, preaching means that there is no consideration other than spreading Krishna consciousness, whatever the cost.

Reference: A Transcendental Diary Volume 1 – Hari Sauri Dasa

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