Chanted Holy name, no pain, mercy, mercy…

Hare Krishna Prabhu🙏

Recent days of when my family and I started in Krishna consciousness, I came to know that I had Cyst in the left jaw. Consulted one specialist for surgery and she confirmed I need to go for surgery to remove a cyst and need to stay for two days at the hospital, the cost will be around 80000/-. I went to hospital after completed pre-surgery tests to get confirmation of the surgery date. By Krishna’s arrangements in that hospital, management is not ready to do this surgery due to some reasons. I completely exhausted on that day and came back home. By Krishna mercy, same day evening I got thought like why I didn’t went for the second opinion and immediately started searching in Google for best hospital and found one hospital-based on Google reviews and booked an appointment for the next day. Consulted doctor and they also confirmed cyst is there it has to remove. Inquired about the process they confirmed it’s only 1-hour surgery and no need to stay at a hospital, the cost is only 18000/-. Next week went for surgery and when surgery was started I completely started chanting the holy name of Lord and prayed for Prabhupada. Surgery completed within15min instead of 1hour, big mercy here is I didn’t feel any pain while removing a cyst. They said the pain will be there next one week instructed me to take a pain killer. After completed surgery, I took only one pain killer and the next day onwards there was no pain.
My family and I realized it’s Krishna and Prabhupada’s mercy only this surgery went without any issues.
All this miracle happened after 1.5 month started in Krishna consciousness


All Glories to Srila Prabhupada, thanks for showering your mercy to this insignificant


Sriramancender pr/Mercy beggars/IBC Whitefield/SNGM

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