Association means to develop love for the person

Today is Ekadasi. Despite feeling ill, Srila Prabhupada could not resist giving class this morning. It is almost impossible for him to refrain from preaching about the glories of Lord Krishna. He spoke strongly for twenty-five minutes, stressing the need for us to hear about God from an authority, a mahajana like Arjuna. He said that since Arjuna glorified Krishna as the purusha, therefore this means that God is not female. “Sometimes they worship a female as God, like Durga, Kali, and so many others. But God is purusha. Everyone is prakriti; prakriti means female. The purusha is the enjoyer, and prakriti is the enjoyed. Or, in other words, purusha is the predominator and prakriti is predominated. So we are prakriti. The Mayavada philosophy is that prakriti wants to become purusha. And that is not possible. Suppose a woman, if she dresses like a man, does it mean that she has become a man? No. Or a man dresses like a woman, does it mean that he has become woman, simply by outward dress? No, the only purusha is Krishna. All others, they are servants. This is the position. Never try to become the purusha or the master. That is very dangerous. Always remain prakriti.” People like to speculate but the descriptions of God given by the mahajanas are very clear he said. “This is our Krishna consciousness movement, that ‘Why you are searching?’ You say, ‘Can you show me God?’ Why don’t you see, ‘Here is God’? Why, just like the owl you have closed your eyes, not to see the sun? Sun is there. See. Open your eyes and see it. The whole world is going on that ‘There is no God’ or ‘God is dead’ or ‘Can you show me God?’ And ‘I am God by meditation,’ ‘This way,’ ‘That way.’ This is going on. Whole world, especially at the present moment, it is a great disastrous condition, godless civilization. They won’t accept the real God, and they’ll create some artificial God and become God, ‘Everyone is God,’ like that. “Here Arjuna is mahajana, he’s Krishna’s friend, he’s always with Krishna, and Krishna recognizes him. Not that because one is always with Krishna, therefore he knows Krishna. No. That is not possible. Just like I have given this example many times, that I am sitting here, and the bug is also sitting here. That does not mean we are very confidential. No. Bug is different business, and my business different. And bug’s business is biting. That kind of association will not help. Association means to develop love for the person. That is association. So we have to become associate of Krishna, as Arjuna became. Always with Krishna-eating with Krishna, sitting with Krishna, talking with Krishna, joking with Krishna, fighting with Krishna-everything Krishna. … Krishna, does He remain with anyone unless he is very dear? “So we have to establish some relation with Krishna?as servant, as a friend, as a son, as a father, mother, or like the gopis, madhurya-rasa, friend, conjugal love. Krishna is ready to associate with you in any way you like.”
Reference: Transcendental Diary Volume 4 by Hari Sauri Dasa

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