Past time Philosophy Analogies – Waterless river represents atheists The waterless river represents atheists who give us trouble in this world and the next. Reference: The waterless river represents atheists who give us trouble in this world and the next. courtesy:-
Personal Example Jyotirmayi: What struck me most about Prabhupada was his intelligence. He was able to be completely transcendental and at the same time […]
Why we are in this material world? So Kṛṣṇa is bhoktā and we are bhogya. It is not our position that we become Kṛṣṇa and become bhoktā. No. That […]
Analogies – Sinful man A sinful man cannot earn money honestly. Just like a thief : because he has adopted the means of earning money by sinful […]
Speeches by godbrothers Jayadvaita Swami : There were days of speeches by different godbrothers and learned men of Vrindavan. In particular, I remember there was […]