Paramadvaiti Swami: Srila Prabhupada, being empowered by this acintya-sakti of Krishna, could do anything. Nobody could understand how it was possible. How could he go to the West with few means and convince people to change their lifestyle and practice austerities in Vrindavana, Mayapura or somewhere else in the world? Such austerities included going out on the streets, fifteen degrees below zero, with a bag of books, telling people to please take a Bhagavad-gita and read about Sri Krishna and Arjuna. Who can imagine such austerities? But thousands of people, inspired by Srila Prabhupada, dedicated themselves to book distribution, to preaching and to the singing of the Holy Names of the Lord in the streets all over the world.
Acintya-sakthi of Krishna

Reference: Sato – Vrtteh by B. A. Paramadvait Swami