Fan the Spark

Butter thief transforms another Thief

Jadurani: Prabhupada said, “If you see a spark of Krishna consciousness in someone, you should fan that spark.” Then he told a story of a thief in Vrindavan who happened to hear a Bhagavat recital of the Tenth Canto. This thief heard how Mother Yasoda decorates Krishna in valuable ornaments and sends Him off to play in the forest with His friends and cows. The thief thought, “Ah, jewels. I shall go and get those jewels.” He went to the Vrindavan forest and began looking for Krishna, and because he had something good in him, Krishna appeared to him. The thief said, “Oh, You’re such a nice boy. Why don’t You give me Your jewels?” Krishna said, “No, Mother Yasoda wouldn’t like it.” The thief said, “Oh, yes, it’s all right. You can give them to me.” They argued back and forth, and by Krishna’s association the thief became a pure devotee. He fell down, offered his obeisances, and fully surrendered. Prabhupada said, “Similarly, if there’s anything in anyone, you should bring that out.”

Remembrances by Sidhanta Das

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