If a teacher does not smoke, the students also will stop smoking naturally

If a teacher does not smoke, the students also will stop smoking naturally
For his Srimad-Bhagavatam discourse, Prabhupada spoke on 7.6.4. Pradyumna led the devotees in chanting the verse and then loudly read out the translation. “Endeavors merely for sense gratification or material happiness through economic development are not to be performed, for they result only in a loss of time and energy, with no actual profit. If one’s endeavors are directed toward Krishna consciousness, one can surely attain the spiritual platform of self-realization. There is no such benefit from engaging oneself in economic development.” Prabhupada said this is “the essence of instruction of all Vedic instructions.” Roundly condemning entire civilizations, such as the British Empire, Prabhupada declared all their efforts were useless endeavors because they only aimed at temporary economic improvements. He told us that without knowledge of self-realization, there is only animal civilization. “Therefore Prahlada Maharaja says don’t waste your time. It is very important verse. Everyone is trying to improve the condition of animal life, that’s all. What is animal life? Eating, sleeping, sex and defense. Our big, big states, big, big countries, especially nowadays, USA and Russia or China, manufacturing atom bomb. So what is this atom bomb? Defense. How to get out of fear. That you may try, but it will never be successful. You may waste your time, but bhaya will always be there; either you have got atom bomb or any big type of defense, when death will come, it will not defend you. By force, that is God. You may try to make very good arrangement for defending, but your life will never be saved. Mrityuh sarva-haras caham. The atheistic class of men, they are trying to make arrangement for defending his life, but Krishna says that ‘I’ll come to you as death. I’ll take out all your possessions. Whatever defensive measure you have made, I’ll take everything. You’ll be alone.’ ‘No, my nation, my country, my society, my wife, my children, my bank balance, they’ll save me.’ No, that will not save you. Then what is that verse? Dehapatya-kalatradishv atma-sainyeshv asatsv api/ tesham pramatto nidhanam pasyann api na pasyati. Everything is discussed. Everyone is thinking that ‘I have got a very strong body. I run five miles a day. So I have made a so strong body, I’ll never die.’ ‘That is not possible sir. You have to die.’ So dehapatya. ‘My sons are very well educated. They are holding big, big post, minister. They will.’ ‘No, sir. They’ll not be able to.’ Kalatra. ‘My wife is so sincere, so faithful. She will give me protection.’ ‘No, sir.’ “We are thinking atma-sainya. ‘They are my soldiers. I am struggling for existence and these soldiers will give me protection.’ So pramattah. The Bhagavata says, he’s so mad that he knows that ‘These things will be finished. Nobody will be able to give me protection,’ still he… And as soon as this body’s finished, another body’s waiting. That you do not know what kind of body you are going to get. That you have to know by your work. Now if this life I may become a prime minister and big, big man. But when I come in politics I have to deal with so many people in so many nefarious ways and lives that out of my karma, I’ll get the next body according to my karma. Now if I’ve acted just like menial animal, then next life animal. This life I am prime minister, and next life if I become a dog, then what is my profit?” He appealed to his followers to remain faithful to his goal of establishing a society of first-class men who are fixed in the real goal of life. “Truthful, very peaceful, full of knowledge, very simple, tolerant and believer in the sastra, these are the symptoms of first-class men. So where is that first-class man throughout the whole world? So this Krishna consciousness movement is trying to create at least one section first-class men so that people may see, ‘Oh, here are ideal men.’ Therefore my request to persons who have joined this Krishna consciousness movement, they should very carefully keep themselves as first-class men. People will appreciate and they will try to follow. Yad yad acarati sreshthas tat tad evetaro janah. If there is a class of men first class, then people will appreciate. At least, even though they are unable to become first class, they will try to follow. “If a teacher does not smoke, the students also will stop smoking naturally. But if the teacher is smoking, how the students…? They are also smoking in the class. I have seen in New York. At least in India this is not yet begun. It will begin, because they are also making progress. These rascals are making progress, going to hell. So, Prahlada Maharaja advises, don’t waste your valuable time in so-called economic development and nonsense activities. Try to become a devotee of Mukunda. Then your life will be successful. Thank you very much.”
Reference: Transcendental Diary Volume 2 by Hari Sauri Dasa

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